Your website is a lot like your smartphone. It has applications and an operating system that needs to stay up to date in order to stay secure and run smoothly. If left unchecked your website could stop working or get infected with a virus. Below are some of the main components of your website.

WordPress is your operating system, it is an open-source content management system licensed under GPLv2, which means that anyone can use or modify the WordPress software for free. WordPress powers over 40% of all the websites on the internet, everyone from small business owners to the official white house website uses WordPress. YCWD understands how important it is to make sure WordPress is always updated to the most recent version to keep your website secure and healthy. Updating WordPress can be tricky at times due to unknown compatibility with plugins and themes but luckily we troubleshoot all those issues so you don’t have to worry about them.
Themes are responsible for site-wide settings and styling, for example, the color scheme of your website can be set in your theme and can be used by default throughout your whole website. The header and footer of your website are also set up with your theme, located at the very top and bottom of each page on your website. Since the theme of your website controls the majority of the site-wide settings keeping your theme updated is crucial. I have seen first-hand how a bad theme can break an entire website, here at YCWD we make sure you never have to deal with website downtime by troubleshooting updates on our own website beforehand and performing regular, scheduled backups.
Plugins are like apps on your smartphone, they are add-ons to the stock WordPress operating system. Just like apps on your smartphone, there is a plugin for everything. An average a website will have around 8-15 active plugins and while an outdated plugin usually won’t break your website, it will cause smaller problems that are hard to catch if you don’t check your website closely. For example, if the plugin used for your contact form (like the one at the bottom of this page) is out of date your website might look fine but when a potential customer fills out and submits your contact form it is possible that their info never makes it to your email causing you to lose business. Keeping up with plugin updates is one of the most time-consuming parts of website maintenance, spend your time on your business and let Your Custom Web Design keep your website in tip-top shape.
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Don’t waste your time working on your website, let Your Custom Web Design, Inc. free up your time to work on more important things.
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